Monday 20 January 2020


Avid daytime TV viewers will recall a fleetingly popular show hosted by political lightweight Robert Kilroy-Silk.  It was called SHARE or SHAFT and gave contestants a choice of sharing and keeping prizes or risking them to get a bigger prize by "shafting" co-contestants.

CC by NC

Informed readers will realise that this is a transparent use of the Game theory "Prisoners Dilemma" where the best outcome is co-operation, rather than competition.  It is a game repeated and lost by so many who believe that they must compete to be successful.

Any economist will tell you, however, that competition is risky.  It can be an "all or nothing" game - all in the pursuit of profit and wealth.

Co-operation, however, can create even more wealth, shared wealth...and a wealth of benefits that money cannot buy.

So, next time you feel like you are in competition with someone or something - ask yourself - "Am I really?"

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